3 more switchbacks down the road, here's Sam
This last woman is trying to figure out how to make the last steep steps (she ended up running them).
I couldn't see what she was harvesting, but the fields I saw up close (the ones that looked empty) had new shoots of corn growing in them. The monsoons come in a month in a half, and we were told they start a second crop afterwards.
For technology failure reasons I'll explain later, I didn't take pictures when we first walked the road through the hamlet. We walked about 20 minutes past it to near the bottom of the valley and realized that our 5 hour hike was likely to take 15 hours with all our stopping for photos and looking at the countryside. As a result, we decided that we wanted to head back and take a closer look at the people and buildings we had just passed.
The first farm on the way back was well set for livestock and firewood.
Further on, a woman shooed her goats past us.
We stopped in at the Refreshment Restaurant (Now I remember the name of the hamlet: Katiike). For some reason the Nepalis usually hyphenate the word welcome.
Sam got a chance to use her Nepali chatting with the owner while we relaxed and had a beer
He had some great chickens
I'll end this entry with Sam and I still in Katiike. I'll have more pictures and a story in the next entry.
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